5 Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits You Should Know

You may have heard the rumors and read the reviews, but now you're really doing some research. You've seen the pictures, and sure, they're pretty to look at, but now you're wondering if they truly do anything at all. You're digging deeper. Can they do more than simply light up a room? Can these Himalayan salt lamps really improve the quality of our life? I'm here to tell you that you'd be surprised what you might discover, and moreover that there's a decent amount of science to back it up. Allow me to share with you the 5 Himalayan salt lamp benefits I think you should know.
1. Reduced airborne pollution and allergens.
By now, you probably know how they generally work. When you turn a salt lamp on, negative ions are released, resulting in cleaner, crisper air, right? Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, and a whole lot more interesting. What we tend to forget is that harmful allergens and viruses - pet dander or the common cold, for example - spread so easily due to the moisture in our air. They thrive on it. But, as we all learned in middle school science class, salt naturally attracts moisture. So, when a salt lamp is "activated" by the bulb inside, the moisture that it has extracted from the air is now forced to evaporate more quickly due to the elevated heat, resulting in supplementary negative ions and oxygen. You know what that means? Reduced and neutralized impurities in our indoor air, and peace of mind.
2. Relief from the effects of electromagnetic field radiation.
As I write this, my cell phone sits on the table directly 縛りなしWiFi  in front of me. I'm using my laptop and the restaurant's wifi. I occasionally glance at a TV in the background, which is broadcasting a soccer game. Sound familiar? Well, in this day and age, we're tethered to technology more than ever. But within the past decade or so, studies report overwhelming evidence that it may be precisely these situations that increasingly are triggering illness, fatigue, and overall lack of focus. They've found that "dirty electricity" or "electrosmog" (artificial wavelengths caused by the rapid influx of all the electronics now vying for our attention) is enough to cause severe imbalances within our mental and physical states. Thankfully, salt lamps, due to salt's neutral atomic structure, work to harmonize these disruptive wavelengths. This allows us not only to work hard, but more importantly to rest harder.


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