
Showing posts from June, 2019

5 Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits You Should Know

You may have heard the rumors and read the reviews, but now you're really doing some research. You've seen the pictures, and sure, they're pretty to look at, but now you're wondering if they truly do anything at all. You're digging deeper. Can they do more than simply light up a room? Can these Himalayan salt lamps really improve the quality of our life? I'm here to tell you that you'd be surprised what you might discover, and moreover that there's a decent amount of science to back it up. Allow me to share with you the 5 Himalayan salt lamp benefits I think you should know. 1. Reduced airborne pollution and allergens. By now, you probably know how they generally work. When you turn a salt lamp on, negative ions are released, resulting in cleaner, crisper air, right? Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, and a whole lot more interesting. What we tend to forget is that harmful allergens and viruses - pet dander or the common cold, for ...

Laptop And Wifi The Revolution

Accessing the web has a long time been a problem for all of us. There have been a number of times when it was necessary to log in onto the internet for an important reason but it just won't happen. You therefore feel frustrated because you have missed out on an opportunity to meet a friend in a chat room. Wifi access provides you easy access to the web without having to go through the tiring ritual of setting up your laptop with wires and cables as well as checking if all the cables are connected to the right places. You can not complete a wireless network without a router, it connects to the broadband connection and in turn the access point in the router enables your laptop, computer, and video game console to connect with the web and together. There are many wifi routers in the market cause wireless networking is one of the greatest new computer technologies in terms of convenience. If you are weighting the pros and cons of wireless before taking the leap, there are some a...

VoIP Over WiFi for Businesses: Sending Voice Over the Wireless LAN

The convergence of data and voice networks in the business environment takes on a new twist with the emergence of wireless networking. The freedom of mobility offered to users in a wireless LAN has proven to provide a noticeable boost in productivity, efficiency, and. employee morale. No longer is the work force tied to their desk when on the job. Workers can access company files and receive important communications from anywhere on the company campus that is in range of a wireless access point. With voice communications thrown into the mix, mobile users can stay in touch while roaming the property inside or out, and even on the road. The acceptance of the fixed to mobile convergence concept by the telecommunications industry only promises to fuel the fire for the adoption of  VoIP over WiFi. The Challenges of Implementing VoIP over WiFi Networks As with any emerging technology, there are challenges to overcome. The development of the converged network, i.e. data and voi...